gallery added

I put up a new gallery here. There is a navigation bar to other content at the top of the page.
I have about a zillion pictures scattered all over on different types of media. I am working on reigning the chaos in, but it is going to be a ton of work. I have been doing a lot of procrastinating because it is pretty overwhelming, but I just need to get in the habit of doing the work a little at a time.
I added a new hard drive and a blue ray burner to my computer last weekend. It was just like any other job around the house. Once I got the new drives home, I realized I needed new cables, and had to go out again. It was pretty late in the evening by the time I got everything set up.
I also bought a copy of Lightroom, and have been learning how to use it. It is really powerful software, and I do not see needing anything else for 95% of my work. It is going to be a bit of a learning curve though.
As I go, I will post some of my old pictures in the photoblog. I will put up a gallery on occasion as well. Plus, I need to do some printing. I need to get some work in the gallery. All of it will be learning as I go, but it should be fun.

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